Sunday, May 25, 2008

lush and lacy cardigan: finished

well, my lush and lacy cardigan is finally finished. actually, it was done about a week and a half ago; i just never got around to having chad help me get pics. so, here they are. overall i think it turned out pretty well for my first big project. though, i haven't put buttons on it yet. i decided i will definitely do this one again in the near future (while the pattern's still fresh in my mind) and when i do i'll: do it an a brighter color-yellow?, do it in a small instead of medium (it's kinda big for me), and be more careful of the arm and arm hole decreases (i kinda botched 'em and had to frog a lot)! overall i'd say this project was: fun for the first half then i wanted it over with-i'm sure this was because i had to frog a lot, the pattern was pretty simple and easy to follow, and the design is super cute! i'm actually excited to do it again. thanks sweater babe!

not such good color w/o the flash; but the lace is a bit more obvious.

1 comment:

crochetgurl said...

hello i was bloghopping today when i found your blog...just wanted to tell you i love your lush and lacy...i hope to knit that one day when i'm more advanced...:-)